Nth. Qld. Bio-Energy Corporation Limited (NQBE) is a Queensland based company, planning the construction of a $640 million renewable energy Facility incorporating sugar (raw), ethanol and power generation at Ingham in North Queensland.
This "state-of-the-art" facility will be the first of its kind in Australia and will produce approximately 350,000 tonnes of sugar annually, have a flexible ethanol distillery capacity of between 90,000 and 200,000 litres per day and generate between 110 - 115 MW of renewable "green" power.
The project, which is expected to be fully operational by June 2021, will provide a major boost for the local Herbert River District economy. Sugar cane growers will benefit from increased revenue derived from the additional products produced and with an anticipated workforce of approximately 220-250, full-time employment will be boosted.